
‘Chwilio am Gymru’ 2024 ‘Looking for Wales’

After the success of my first solo exhibitions in Oriel Plas Glyn-y-Weddw & Oriel Môn in 2022, and an invite to show my work in Cardiff and London the following year, I was wondering what I should be painting next?
I was determined to find a ‘reason’ for painting, rather than just painting because I could.
I’ve never been able to exactly pinpoint ‘Welshness’; and apart from the language and the Eisteddfod, my questions about this - or the area where we live - have created confusion; or answers have been ambiguous or drawn a blank. After learning to stop asking stupid questions and listen to people, I started exploring social media and how people approached various subjects. This led me to visit many events happening within the area, and I also borrowed (with permission) images people had posted online.

It gave me enough information for my current project ‘Chwilio am Gymru’ - Looking for Wales, which explores culture, heritage, environment, conservation and the working landscape seen through the eyes of my community. ‘Looking for Wales’ is the result of some quite intense work and research, and features subject matter that some may find curious, unexpected or quite baffling. My interest continues into how people perceive and interpret ‘detail’; and I’m constantly playing with
various textures, techniques and colours to exploit these preconceptions.

Russ is an internationally selling artist and has his work in private collections around the world.
He has received commissions from Canada, France, New Zealand, Norway and the USA, and exhibits
his work in London, Cardiff and the North Wales Galleries.
He also undertakes Workshops with schools for primary, secondary, ‘O’ & ‘A’ level students.

To see Russ' work and to buy online, click here