
'Goodbye to all that', a collection of works that reflects the artist's residency at Plas Glyn-y-Weddw and his time walking the paths of Llŷn and Eifionydd before and after the Pandemic, was exhibited here in Spring 2023.

Artist's Statement

'​These paintings are a representation of a residency/project that began in the Spring of 2019 up to the present day. My practice has over the course of twenty years focused on observing weeds usually found in Urban environments and using this information to create a variety of works from installations to paintings and working within communities. As such this project involved walking the inland route of the Llyn peninsula and recording the plants through drawings, photos, writings and memory that I encountered along the way.

As an artist I have always painted, but over the past eight years I have mainly been experimenting with ideas and various mediums as to how the paintings could push the boundaries of questioning what we are looking at and what we actually see or expect to see.

​My realisation was that through error, distortion, layering and surface manipulation in subtle ways throughout the paintings, I could create a link to the reality of a life lived imperfectly, the letting go of perfection for a flawed and disconnected existence that still somehow retains its beauty whilst continuing to unravel and collapse. These paintings and the installation as a whole are deliberately contemplative and are meant to be engaged with over several sittings and long periods of observation, continually questioning what we think we are looking at and what we are actually seeing. What we are told is real and what we believe is artificial.'

Click here to view the work