Gwreiddiau - a solo exhibition by Sian Parri which was at Plas Glyn y Weddw from January 30 to March 20, 2022.
The work entitled ‘Gwreiddiau’ is a development of Sian's early work and builds on the success of the piece ‘Tynged yr Iaith’ at the National Eisteddfod in 2019. Her early work used images of standing stones and hillforts with poetry, to convey a sense of Welshness and a better understanding of the value of the language. Sian believes that there is a seamless connection between today and the ‘hen bethau anghofiedig teulu dyn’ (the old and unremembered things of the human race) and that the memory of the nation remains in our subconscious. The greatness of Welsh heritage and the state of the nation along with the connection of our landscape, history and language is a recurring theme in her work.
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