Print Plas Activities

To coincide with the Eirian Llwyd Memorial Award exhibition, we will be holding various events and creative sessions to celebrate printing here at the Plas. See below for dates. Available to book soon!

February 8 - Karen Owen - Creative writing workshop in response to artwork for adults

February 15 - Karen Owen - Creative writing workshop in response to artwork for adults

February 15 - Rebecca F Hardy - Printmaking session for young adults 14+ - screen-printing 

February 16 - Nigel Morris - Printmaking session for adults - dry point etching

February 22 - Karen Owen - Creative writing workshop in response to artwork for adults

February 22 - Rhi Moxon - Printmaking session for younger children- screen-printing  + mono print

February 22 - Rhi Moxon - Printmaking session for teens - screen-printing  + mono print

February 27 - Casia William - Llên mewn Llun - Creative writing session for children - using the artwork as catalyst for story ideas

February 27 - Zoe Lewthwaite - Printmaking session for children- 'Print, Mark Making & Collage'