To donate to our charity please visit:

Plas Glyn y Weddw is owned and run by an independent charitable trust which is largely self-financed and heavily dependent on donations and private sector support. Unlike many other similar art centres, the Plas does not receive public-sector revenue funding. Therefore, a constant fundraising effort is implemented to help meet the annual running costs of approximately £950,000. The charity's commercial activities fall well short of this and the current shortfall is made up from fundraising campaigns by loyal Friends and Volunteers of the centre and substantial donations from a supporting trust.

There are many ways you can support the gallery: Becoming a Friend, Volunteer, Leaving a Legacy or even just donating.

Here is a link to our GoFundMe page

We also currently have a sponsorship campaign to raise funds in the form of having an engraving on one of the stainless steel barnacles in the new iconic 'sea urchin' award winning cafe. Download a form below.

Please note that disks are sent away to be manufactured on the 1st of April and the 1st of November each year, and the time from ordering to install could take up to 10 months.

Please do get in touch if you feel you can invest in Plas Glyn y Weddw's future - email or phone the gallery 01758 740763.

Thank you

Sponsorship Form

Stainless Steel Disk Sponsorship Form

Steel disks